Wednesday, February 13, 2013


By : mfikri.arifin

LEG MUSCLE (thigh and calf)

Muscles of the thigh consists of the thigh muscles front and back of the thigh muscles. Thigh is the body that has the most muscle and most large compared to other body parts (have a presentation ± 50% of the area around the front of the muscle). For a bodybuilder and fitnesmania, has a large thigh muscles, strong, and proportionately very important for creating a balance with your upper body.

Usually a newbie tend to pay more attention and concentrate on the development of the muscles of the upper body (chest muscles, back, shoulders, and arms). But after some time of regular exercise and muscle development is becoming available, then what will happen is the upper body grew large and strong, while the legs look so small because less / never trained. This causes the body so disproportionate, the big top and strong, while the jib is less foot support. Of course this condition is not good views.

Thigh muscles are usually a little heavier and tiring than training other muscle types. As mentioned earlier because so many thigh muscles and large it is not enough just to do the exercises with a heavy load, but also should be coupled with the amount of exercise in accordance with the need to provide sufficient stress to the muscles of the thigh. Because if it did then the maximal exercise stress thighs are not received as a result of muscle is also not optimal muscle growth was not as expected.

In the thigh muscles, and especially fitnesmania bodybuilding athletes should perform exercises to the point of maximum (until the end) to enlarge, strengthen, and increase muscle mass. The definition of exercise to the point of maximum force is doing to the maximum weight that can be lifted, as well as the repetition by repetition force to lift the legs are not strong anymore.

Given how heavy and tiring training it is very important when doing this exercise with the help of a training partner. With the partner that helps, exercise will feel more secure so that it has a higher confidence to lift weights as heavy as possible and as many reps as possible. Even the usual pep training partner and provide encouragement that enables to exercise to the point of higher efflux.

But it must always be remembered that the same as the other muscle exercises, exercises for quadriceps muscle was the most important thing to note is always running and doing exercises to correct movement technique. For the first few weeks of starting the thigh exercises should just pick up the burden according to ability first. Do exercises to concentrate more on the movements performed. Feel how the muscles move the desired workout. After quite mastered the movement then began training with heavy weights and concentrate on developing muscles. If from the beginning, before mastering the technique correctly fitnesmania force immediately tried to lift heavy loads, a result not a hefty leg but gained a high risk of injury.

To get the ideal body shape, fitnesmania and bianraga athletes need to train your thigh muscles so that the shape and size appropriate and proportionate to the upper body. In addition to exercise the right to add to the beauty, strength and thigh muscle size maximum, ideal thigh muscles should also have a clear definition between each muscle. Therefore, setting a proper diet to reduce the fat content in the body also needs special attention.

1. Front thigh (quadriceps)

Unlike bodybuilding past that often lazy thigh muscle exercises (currently in Indonesia are still many who are reluctant to do the exercises), to help raise motivation, keep in mind that exercise is one of the thigh muscle anabolic exercise naturally. Automatically help improve.

Quadriceps muscle is divided into four main sections, the so called "quad" riceps: rectus femoris, vastus lateralis, vastus medialis and sartorius. Good quadriceps muscle is an essential element in the movement of jumping, jumping, kicking and running as is found in many sports badminton, volleyball, swimming, athletics, martial arts, soccer, indoor soccer, and basketball.

2. Rear thigh (hamstring)

In the sport of bodybuilding and fitness activities, exercise this muscle helps sustain other exercises such as the deadlift, shrug, and calf raises. For athletes and fitnesmania bodybuilding, muscle exercises is also important because it provides assistance in defining the muscles of the back.

In other sports, exercise is also important in sports such as weightlifting clean and snatch, clean and jerk, and the deadlift. Also helping in sports with jumps, gymnastics, and range of motion in wrestling. This muscle is very important in initiating start in athletics such as sprints.

The exercises at the back of the thigh muscles generally also train your butt (hip) in order to become more established and stronger. This is certainly very beneficial for women who want a beautiful physical appearance and tight.

3. Calves (Calves - soleus and gastrocnemius muscles)

In the calf muscles are not separated into different sections. So exercise is done applies to the entire calf muscle. Bodybuilders especially novice bodybuilders usually give less attention to his calf muscle growth. Whereas in a game the calf muscles may be the key to success for achieving victory. The calf muscles are usually not very well respond to the exercises that we do. Although a person has a large genetic calf muscle, calf muscle but is said to be good if he was also a great addition to well-defined. Difficulties in forming the calf muscles occurred because basically naturally calf has got tremendous pressure in our daily activities. Because often the pressure, the calf muscles are very strong, so if he does not accept the pressure very strong (stronger than the commonly accepted) and the intensity is not high, it will not respond as we expected. So the new calf muscle training effective when done as much as possible and as heavy as possible. Perseverance is the key.

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